HOW TO PREVENT COLDS, INFLUENZA, SARS, H5N1 (Avian Flu) AND OTHER AIRBORN VIRAL DISEASES.This same procedure also reduces the affects of airborn allergens by 50% or more.This is not a speculative idea. It has been tested since 1984. It works.
But knowing how is not the central feature. Doing it is. I started teaching the method in 1990. The earlier six years was the time of testing. Now thousands of people are successfully doing it and the numbers are going up faster each year. Do let us know your experiences with it.In 1984 when I was in my early forties, I had, many years previously, lost the lower lobe of my right lung, due to Army injuries, an early tobacco addiction, and frequent pneumonias. This resulted in bronchiactasis, a distention of the alveoli in the lungs, allowing the stagnation of mucossal secretions and developing fertile ground for infected pockets to develop in my lungs which could ultimately be life-threatening if I kept coming down with frequent colds, flu and pneumonias.
Having quit smoking during the space program back in the 1970's was very beneficial to my overall health, but my respiratory system (my weakest link) was still on the verge of killing me at any point in time that an opportunistic infection took hold.Had I not developed this prophylaxis, I would very likely have died in the 1980's.
Since then, many thousands of people have learned how to do the procedure. My calculations indicate that a much smaller number, on the order of four or five thousand people do it regularly and consistently, reaping the maximum benefit.The sad truth is that most people will not incorporate even a simple two-minute procedure into their daily hygiene routine. Even in the SARS crisis of a few years ago and with the potential for an H5N1 (avian Flu) pandemic still threatening, the numbers of people who actually get into the firm habit of doing the procedure regularly, on a daily basis, do not exceed a third of those taught. That is sad indeed.
Even the fact that THE PROCEDURE ALSO CUTS ALLERGIC RESPONSES TO AIRBORN ALLERGENS BY HALF has not increased those numbers. I did not begin teaching large numbers of people outside my circle of family and friends until 1990. By the mid-nineties, I had heard from a great many allergy-prone individuals, of this serendipitous side-effect. What a pleasant surprise!But now, without further preamble, here is what you do:
While in the shower, take a couple of Q-tip style cotton swabs, saturated with (nothing but) clear warm water. NO SOAP OR ANY OTHER LOTION ON THE SWABS. Swab the nasal passages as high as you can comfortably reach. Do this gently but be thorough. I rinse the swabs perhaps a half dozen times during this swabbing. The purpose here is to clean out the great bulk of the detritus. You are only going up perhaps an inch or an inch and a quarter on each side. You are not trying to reach the brain-pan with the swabs. If the swabs won't go so far up, not to worry. It's going to work anyway. Now, most of the accumulation of debris and the populations of the indigenous organisms in the nasal passages have been largely eliminated. This was step 1.
After drying off, lay down on the bed with some fresh cooking oil of your choice and some fresh new swabs. You can use corn oil or safflower or rapeseed (canola) or olive oil. If you are allergic to peanut oil, DON'T use peanut oil. We have been talking about coconut oil. I had never used it, assuming that it had a strong coconut smell. I was not correct. Coconut oil is now at the top of the list of approved oils for this procedure. But there is good reason not to use other more highly aromatic oils.
There are two separate olfactory apparati working in the nose. Our ordinary sense of smell, which we are all familiar with. The other sense, which most of us never become consciously aware of, is governed by the vomeronasal organ. The function of this organ is sensing special aromas, pheremonal in nature. These scents are delivered to entirely different areas of the brain than the other smells we perceive. It is important not to interfere with the functions of this organ since it is so closely associated with our instincts, and subtle social behaviors, and we don't want to mess up the various elements involved. The procedure outlined here does not adversely impact the function of the vomeronasal system.
In any case, you are now laying on your back on the bed, have dipped the swabs in the vegetable oil of your choice, and are now swabbing your nasal passages just as far as you did with the water swabs when you were in the shower. You are now coating the nasal membrane, which has already been moisturized with the only real moisturizer there is. Water. You have now covered this pre-moistened surface with an oil sheen which will help prevent the moisture from being evaporated away by the cold desiccated air in the same way that chap stick prevents your lips from chapping.
Let's look at the nasal membrane with a little flashlight... Notice how red it is, particularly that portion which is hardest to observe, the narrow channel just below the bridge of the nose. It is even brighter red than the surrounding areas of nasal membrane. It is such a bright red because you are seeing the blood through the membrane. This is where the viruses most often make their illegal entry into your bloodstream.
Notice also the little cilia-like hairs which are so effective as filters of the larger particles in the air we breathe.I usually tell people that it is not generally a good idea to snort anything back further in the nasal passage. This is an exception to that. Your nose has been pretty thoroughly cleaned. It is still far from sterile, but the jungle of organisms are mostly gone. You have now coated the moist membrane and the tiny hairs with the oil, but if the oil gets up a bit further than the swabs have reached, so much the better.
What time of year do respiratory viruses occur? During colder, more variable weather. Those times when your lips are likely to chap. Why do your lips chap? You are frequently going into cold exterior environments with very dry desiccated air, contrasting from the moist interior environments. We do this often during the fall and winter. We notice the chapping of our lips because we flex them continuously by talking, and the cracks which develop are very large because of the flexing. The same thing is happening to the nasal membrane. The fissures are, by comparison to the lips, microscopic. Even so, to a virus particle, these membrane fissures are like the Grand Canyon.
OK let's review:
Step 1. Cleanse the nasal passages with swabs saturated with clear, fresh water.
Step 2. Lay on the bed and swab passages with vegetable oil. NOT Vaseline, NOT mineral oil, NOT 10-30 Motor oil, NOT glycerin, NOT dimethylpolysiloxane. JUST VEGETABLE OIL that you are not allergic to.
Step 3. Wipe your nose. That is to say, remove the excess oil from the eighth inch or so of the vestibular area of the nasal passage until no more oil is coming out.
Step 4. Congratulate yourself for remembering to do it every day.
Step 5. If you have health care providers, show them this. Tell them you are doing it. Answer any questions they might have or refer them to me for any further clarification that might be required.
Step 6. Carefully teach others how to do it or let them read this.
Step 7. There is no step seven.
One final thing. When to do it. Do it every day that you are going to be exposed to other people. Do it before you go out into the world. Not before you go to bed at night.
For allergic responses, do it before you are going to be exposed to high concentrations of allergens, like vacuuming the carpets, mowing the weeds or raking the leaves. The allergic responses will be abated by more than half in severity, thus reducing sharply the medications you need. Respiratory viral disease will be eliminated in terms of symptomatically apparent disease. You are not living in a bubble or scrubbing your hands every 10 minutes or refusing to shake hands like Howard Hughes. You are just living a much healthier life.
Continue to do the other prudent things like washing your hands, getting proper nutrition and adequate rest.Please do it for yourselves and let us know here how it worked out for you. To your health!
(This will return to the top of the pile every few months. Who reads archives?)
About Me

- Anthropositor
- Deep South, United States
- Consultant, inventor, mentor, chess coach,. Current projects involve No Till Farming and staving off blindness due to cataracts among other projects. I also do confidential ghost writing (without taking any published credit. My current blindness makes me put this on hold for a while. I should have one eye working again in about four months. Fact, fiction, all subjects considered. I have heard My daughter Jennifer is alive. I would love it if she were to contact me here. I understand she would like to know me. I have sent a message by circuitous route. I can only hope. My posted Email works as well. We have four decades to catch up on.
This blog has been up for more than a year. The intent was to generate dialogues about serious problems and ideas. It has been almost exclusively a monologue. I have not been looking for large numbers of participants.
I would be quite happy with a few dozen imaginative, creative, thoughtful and inventive people who wish to address serious problems and issues. If anyone has any ideas about how to attract such a talented group I will certainly pay attention. I am not as computer conversant as I would wish. Anyone who could help in this regard would find me receptive to sharing my skills in other areas.
This blog has been up for more than a year. The intent was to generate dialogues about serious problems and ideas. It has been almost exclusively a monologue. I have not been looking for large numbers of participants.
I would be quite happy with a few dozen imaginative, creative, thoughtful and inventive people who wish to address serious problems and issues. If anyone has any ideas about how to attract such a talented group I will certainly pay attention. I am not as computer conversant as I would wish. Anyone who could help in this regard would find me receptive to sharing my skills in other areas.
Monday, March 12, 2007
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I don't know why you think I am do destructive: I've smoked pot for a few months, I have at most 2-3 mixed drinks when going out on the weekend, and I don't have sex with strangers, I don't smoke cigarettes, I don't do cocaine or anything on that level. I just flirt with guys a lot and yes, I get sick a lot. I have actual diseases such as Hashimoto's Disease, and Scoliosis and many other things. I have chronic bronchitis due to growing up with a father who was a heavy smoker (and died from it). My generation is indeed nihilistic to a certain degree, and while I am not 100% sober, I am indeed quite happy. I spent over two years before my 21st birthday abstaining from alcohol and drugs of all sorts, yet was miserable due to unrelated events. Drugs don't make me unhappy or happy, they just allow me to expand my stream of consciousness occasionally. I do not appreciate (although it is your right to have your opinions) you commenting on my blog about my "destructive" behaviors. Read the rest of my blog, it's a story of my life. I post the things that my friends enjoy reading, not my entire life. Of course I write about partying because it usually involves entertaining stories involving entertaining people.
Dear Cassidy,
What a comprehensive and interesting post. I think I remember who you are and what prompted my remarks. When talking to young people I sometimes say cautionary things which are sometimes taken as judgemental.
As I think of it for a while, I am sure more of the details of what I said and what prompted me to say it will return to me. I am about a year and a half into recovery from a stroke. My thinking is slower but still reasonably facile once I get going.
But without remembering exactly what my remarks were or exactly what prompted them, allow me to just react a little.
In my recall in recent months I have only used the word destructive with regard to politicians.
People who occasionally inhale the fumes of a recreational herb in a social mileau do not concern me.
Nor are two or three mixed drinks over an extended time during a weekend event at all out of line.
I don't remember broaching the subject of sex with you. If I did, the objective was something other than coitus.
It absolutely DELIGHTS me to hear you don't smoke cigarettes use cocaine. May I also assume you do not use Ecstasy or acid or prescription drugs for recreation?
Flirting can be very nice.
The getting sick a lot, we all have some of that. Hang in there with it. Do the best you can.
The remainder of your remarks indicate to me that you have thought some about whatever I said, and that you are a bit miffed at me.
And you are engaging me in a dialogue! You are telling me off.
That is so impressive. Particularly since you did it with candor and covered so much territory. Did I really use the word destructive? Tell you what... I'll just come over to take a look.
Anyway, I'm glad you're basically happy. I may be back with more comment. Don't be a stranger.
Well here I am back after looking at cassidy's blog. I used the word destructive once, with relation to MY generation, that of the Beatniks and the Hippies. It is true that nihilism, self destructiveness and dissapation do not have generational boundaries.
It is also true that young adults can be a little deficient in the talents which foster self-preservation. Cassidy presents quite a contrasting picture on her blog than her letter here. Several of the pictures show Cassidy giving a really excellent portrayal of a drunken individual.
Comments were made of hangovers or throwing up. Not few. Many. I was simply misled by the pictures and the text of the blog. Seems like an entirely different person wrote the comment here.
The binge drinkers in the college set around here often have no clue that they are binge drinkers.
Cassidy dear, take a close look at those pictures. Do they represent you well? Do your words represent you well? In a couple of the pictures you were not mugging or hamming it up. I think you were looking your best in those. What do you think?
Some impediment has apparently prevented Cassidy from continuing our dialogue. And her blog has disappeared.
Cassidy, if you ever drop back in here to see us, I do hope you will let us know how you are getting on and what happenned to your blog.
You are absolutely right in urging people to pay close attention to the most bacteria-ridden area we have in our bodies. I often wonder why anyone would pierce their nose! Your method might be too time consum-ing for some. There is a ceramic utensil dating back to the 1800's which resembles Aladdins Lamp a bit. All one has to do is tip their head over a sink and pour warm salt water from it into one nostril until the water exits the other nostril. However, I do like the addition of inserting oil after the procedure. There are so many natural methods for maintaing one's general health, this certainly is one.
Yes Claudia.
This was quite a common practice in the nineteenth century. But in spite of the long standing popularity of employing this saline irrigation, I do not advocate it.
Even a mild saline solution has a certain dessicating effect on the nasal membrane. The fresh water swabbing in the shower does not.
Of course the tears which drain into the nasal cavity through the punctum at the inner corner of the eye are very slightly saline, but the drainage is very low in the passage.
Generally when the average individual makes a saline solution for any purpose, the solution is far stronger than it needs to be.
I designed this preventive procedure to minimize the possibility that it could be done improperly. The initial swabbing with water is simply designed to sharply reduce the populations of organisms and to remove the bulk of the detritus build up. That reduction is only temporary.
Since the oil is applied within a few minutes of the water swabbing while in the shower, it is this coating of the nasal surface and the hairs which provide macrofiltration of the air we breathe that actually provides the protection against virus infection.
It is also worthwhile to note that during the period you speak of, daily living was quite different than it is today. Indoor plumbing was exceedingly rare. People did not shower. Tubs were for the very affluent. Most people bathed with a basin of cool water.
Coming back to the procedure, there is not really much expenditure of time for the water swabbing since you are already in the shower. But this isn't the central element of the protection.
It is the oil swabbing afterwards that really counts. And lying on your back while applying the oil makes the oil coating reach further up the nasal passage than would otherwise be the case.
Thank you for your comment Claudia. You are always welcome here.
You really made me search for this post, didn't you? It took me a some time to find it from your post on (SARS #60.)
Like claudia, I use a neti pot. I recently discover it (lifelong sinus issues) and have grown very fond of it. I am currently incorporating this into my daily routine, waiting (not so) patiently for it to become a habit.
I have premeasured salt packets for the particular neti pot that I use. Lazy? More expensive? Well, yes to both. But it is convenient.
I like your idea of vegetable oil. I think I will incorporate this into my future habit.
Well Ken, thanks for your input. Let me ask, those pre-measured salt packets. What weight? And into how much water is it dissolved? In other words, what percentage is the saline solution.
I suppose if I were going to use a neti pot sort of thing, I would mix a pinch of potassium chloride in after reducing the salt by a pinch as well. My reasoning is that the dessicating effect of the soduim should be counterbalanced to a certain extent. Probably reasonably safe for the nasal membranes, considering I have put extremely mild solutions with traces of potassium chloride in the eye, and the eye is a less forgiving environment than the nasal passage.
I take it from your comment that you haven't been doing this too long. But still long enough that you could make a before and after comparison. Or another interesting comparison, perhaps alternating weeks of the swabbing the nasal passage with oil, and using the neti pot in your usual fashion.
So glad you took the effort to find out what I was talking about. It has been very effective for those who do it regularly.
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